YES! I Would Like to Evaluate Legato NetWorker® for Solaris |
What is Legato NetWorker?
Legato NetWorker is a high-performance, scaleable family of modular network
storage management applications that can be configured for network backup, recovery,
archival and file migration services.
Server operating systems supported by NetWorker include Windows NT, NetWare,
SunOS, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and SCO UNIX, plus over 14 implementations by
system vendor OEMs.
NetWorker supports over 40 client platforms and a variety of databases, including Oracle,
Informix, SAP, SQL Server, Exhange Server, and Sybase.
NetWorker 4.2.5 for Solaris Evaluation Kit
The NetWorker for Solaris eval. kit contains
- NetWorker 4.2.5 for Solaris, Network Edition (support 10 client connections, including Server)
- NetWorker client software for Solaris and SunOS
- 10 client connections
- 1-16 slot Autochanger support
- Archive Application
- HSM Application
- SNMP Module
- Documentation in .pdf and Adobe Acrobat Reader
To protect heterogeneous client platforms,
contact Legato Sales (sales@legato.com) to request an evaluation
of the appropriate ClientPak.
File Size and Space Requirements
Platform |
OS | Release # | Size (MB) |
Solaris 2.3-2.51 | 4.2.5 | 21 |
To install the NetWorker for Solaris eval., you need disk space for the compressed file
(21MB), as well as for the uncompressed files, install files, documentation,
Acrobat Reader, and online indices. In general, you'll need a space allocation
of 4X the size of the download file (indicated above.) We highly recommend a
total allocation of AT LEAST 100 MB.
Precursors to Running the NetWorker Evaluation
- Copy the Executable(21MB) to the directory you designate.
- Read/print the Read Me on how to uncompress and
extract the file.
- Read/print the Quick Start Guide to install the product and get started.